Cinnamon Is delicious,But do you really know the dangers of the cinnamon challenge or cinnamon normally?
Taking a table spoon of this stuff and putting it in your mouth maybe be more dangerous then you think.
The reason it is very hard to swallow is because it is the desiccated powdered bark of the cinnamon tree.And the main component of bark is cellulose which is waterproof and also resistant to the enzymes produced in our bodies.

Once your nerve system gets the signal that you mouth is waterproof and has finely grounded powder in there your body goes into panic mode.Because we have to breathe the central nerve system tells you to gasp as if you were drowning.but the difference is that all that fine powder goes down you windpipe down your larynx into your trachea then into your lungs.and the one thing your body hates is exotic powders in your lungs so white blood cells get called to get rid of the substance.This results in inflammation,pneumonia and scaring of the tissues.Or you could choke to death So the cinnamon challenge is a very stupid thing to do.
The American association poison control centers recorded 139 calls in 2012 About the cinnamon challenge causing to be fatal.
Bottom line don't do the cinnamon challenge just watch it on the Internet or something.
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